Sunday, October 30, 2011

Plagiarism by Walt Disney Company

About Walt Disney Co. access to my plot:
In 1999, 3 years before the production of "Cinderella II" and 8 years before the production of "Cinderella III", I sent a plot for a sequel to "Cinderella (1950)" to Walt Disney Co. and the company sent some formal letters in response in 1999-2000. "Cinderella III" was produced in 2007, but it was in 2009 that I saw it by chance with its evident similarities with my plot. In the same year I sent a letter as a complaint for the plagiarism to Walt Disney Co. the company in its letter to me verifies that it received my plot in 1999, but it does not accept the occurrence of plagiarism (please, see the sent letters in 1999-2000). So I sent my complaint to more than 50 official centers of the USA including the United States Department of Justice, United StatesDepartment of State, White House Web-Site and Mr. Obama’s Web-Site. Their responses to me confirms that I have sent my complaint to Walt Disney Co. as well as other official centers, in time constraint of 3 years, considering the point that I am, as an Iranian person, away from law facilities of the USA.
About the similarities between my plot and "Cinderella III" :

1. In my plot, the Devil returns the Cinderella and the Prince from the time of happiness to before the time of happiness by the magic time twister; in "Cinderella III", stepmother returns the Cinderella and the Prince from the time of happiness to before the time of happiness by the magic time twister.
2. The title of "Cinderella III", "A Twist in Time" is adapted from the similarity mentioned above (no. 1).
3. In my plot, the Devil takes the magic wand from the Fairy by force; in "Cinderella III", Anastasia takes the magic wand from the Fairy by force.
4. In my plot, the fairy is captured as a prisoner in the palace of the Devil; in "Cinderella III", the fairy is captured in the form of a statue.
5. In my plot, the Fairy is removed from the adventures in the story; in "Cinderella III", the Fairy is removed from the adventures in the story.
6. In my plot, a new character called the Devil enters the story to work against the physical intervention of the Fairy; in "Cinderella III", since the magic wand gains power from God and it could not realize the satanic desires, the stepmother to realize her satanic desires, manages to attract satanic powers and the color of the light of magic wand turns to green from silver. The green light of the magic wand is the symbol of the Devil entering "Cinderella III".
7. In my plot, the Prince dances with Anastasia and Drizella; in "Cinderella III", Prince dances with Anastasia.
8. In my plot, the Devil argues that the physical intervention of the fairy resulted in success and happiness of Cinderella so he tries to work against her; in "Cinderella III", in 4 scenes (described in the PDF file) different characters of the film repeat clearly the same argument and the bad men try to work against it.

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